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311135906_1281855972636056_2987376612771How to Install Ghost Immobiliser

The Ghost immobiliser is a revolutionary new product that safeguards your vehicle from key-cloning, ECU swapping and hacking. It connects to the vehicles CAN data network and is hidden in the existing buttons on your dashboard and steering wheel. It is completely silent, and does not require the use of LEDs or radio signals.

It's also undetectable by thieves employing modern methods, like RF scanning and code stealing technology. It's a small cost to pay to protect your pride.

Easy to install

A ghost immobiliser goes one step further than regular vehicle immobilisers. They prevent thieves from starting the car if they don't have the correct key or fob. It features systems that prevent key signal jamming, cloning and device spoofing - techniques that are used frequently to steal vehicles with standard immobilisers. It also allows you set a pin-code that is difficult to break.

The system is connected to the vehicle's CAN (Controller Area Network), and is programmed with a unique PIN code. The CAN Immobiliser will then block the engine, even if keys are in ignition, and it will not restart until the correct code is entered. The system is completely unnoticeable. There are no indicators on the LEDs, or noises to alert you of its presence. It also does not transmit any radio frequencies, which makes it impossible to employ code grabbing or RF scanning techniques.

The Ghost CAN Immobiliser can be deactivated via the companion app for your smartphone, making it easy to transfer it to an alternative vehicle if you sell or trade yours. It's also TASSA approved and can help reduce the cost of insurance. This is a crucial aspect when selecting the security system for your vehicle.

A ghost immobiliser is not visible and is incorporated into the bodywork of the vehicle. This makes it difficult to remove. A ghost immobiliser may also be more difficult to disable than other traditional security devices such as beacons and alarms.

The ghost immobiliser works with a variety of vehicles and includes a range of additional features. It comes with an emergency-entry system that allows you to enter the passcode on your phone to disable the immobiliser. This will allow you to drive home. There's also a Valet mode, which allows you to hand your vehicle over to an auto mechanic or valet service without disarming it. It can also be connected with an GPS tracker to help you locate your vehicle after it's taken.

Easy to deactivate

In a world where car theft is rife it is essential to look for ways to safeguard your car's pride and joy. Ghost immobilisers are one of the most effective ways to stop thieves from taking your vehicle. The system connects to your car's network CAN and programs an individual PIN that needs to be entered in order to start the engine. This is done using buttons on the steering wheel, the centre console or door panels, and an individual sequence of up to 20 inputs, which is extremely difficult for thieves to get into.

Contrary to traditional security systems which use LED indications or key fobs the ghost immobiliser makes use of the CAN system inside your Mercedes to connect to the ECU on the data bus and render it unusable without removing any parts or cutting wires. The device is not detectable by modern diagnostics and won't interfere with radio frequencies used by thieves to locate your vehicle.

Another advantage of a ghost immobiliser is that it stops key cloning and ECU swapping. The ghost immobiliser prevents thieves from using this technique to steal cars, as it requires an PIN number to start the engine. A thief will also be incapable of adding new key fobs or replace the ECU as the ghost immobiliser is specifically designed to work with existing Mercedes keys.

This technology can be paired with other security measures, for instance, GPS trackers. This can help you recover your vehicle in the event of a theft however it doesn't stop thieves from taking your vehicle in the first place. Contrary to that the ghost immobiliser is able to, which is a much better option for those who own expensive vehicles.

A ghost immobiliser can also safeguard your resale price, since it makes it impossible for thieves to sell your vehicle on the black market. This is particularly important for prestige vehicles, which typically lose their value when stolen. In addition, a ghost immobiliser will not leave any evidence of its instillation, so it won't affect the appearance of your car and won't cause damage to the engine if removed accidentally.

Easy to transfer to a different vehicle

Ghost is among the most flexible and adaptable security devices available. The Ghost communicates with your ECU via the CAN data network, and is completely silent. This means that it is not detected, nor can it be listened for a telltale signal. This is a crucial feature for many who want to secure their vehicles from theft.

The autowatch ghost installation birmingham Ghost is a revolutionary immobiliser that combats modern day vehicle theft. It prevents key cloning, hacking and other methods used by professional thieves to steal vehicles. The system is activated in 3 or 30 second (depending on the vehicle) after the ignition is shut off. It remains in effect until the owner enters the PIN (4-20 button clicks, depending on the model). If you select the gear-box lock option, it will prevent the vehicle from moving while the engine is running.

This is the first time that an item of security has been developed to counter the most recent methods of keyless car theft. Unlike other immobilisers that use a radio frequency, the GHOST is able to connect to your vehicle's ECU by using the CAN data network and is completely silent. This makes it impossible to trace thieves, who are looking for the distinctive LED indicators or frequencies that could reveal other immobilisers' systems.

It isn't detected by sophisticated RF scanning technology or code-grabbing technologies that can detect the type of security system that is installed in your vehicle. Moreover, there are no key fobs or radio frequencies required to operate it, which makes it impossible for thieves to disable. The GHOST is also compatible with various vehicles and includes an emergency backup code to make it even more secure.

The GHOST can be used together with a tracker to stop the vehicle from being removed if it is stolen. This is a fantastic option for those who have invested in customising their vehicles or buying expensive or scarce ones. In reality, it is becoming more and more common for insurance companies to require a ghost immobiliser on all keyless entry vehicles. This can lead to lower monthly cost of insurance.

Change the PIN code quickly and easily

The Ghost immobiliser from Autowatch is a revolutionary new device that guards against key-cloning or hacking. It is connected to your vehicle's CAN data network and allows the creation of an individual, user-defined disarm sequence, which must be entered before your car can be driven again. It functions in a similar way to a PIN code on your credit card. You can also change the pin number at any time.

The ghost system can be installed discreetly and leaves no visible marks on the internal body of your car which makes it difficult for thieves to spot and take advantage of. It can be transferred to another vehicle without any issues. This is a huge benefit for anyone who plans to sell their car in the near future.

In just a few simple steps, you can change the PIN for an immobiliser that is ghost. This is a simple process that should only take some minutes. However, you should ensure that your vehicle is warm and the battery is fully charged prior to trying this procedure. This method will disable the service mode. You must enter the PIN before you are able to use the vehicle again.

Once you've changed the PIN code, you should test it in a secure environment. This is a vital step to ensure that the device is functioning correctly. To accomplish this switch on the ignition, then press several buttons on the steering wheel, doors or the centre console. The ghost will illuminate an array of LEDs to show the correct sequence to disarm. When you enter service mode, it will stop the engine from starting and allow you to test the system.

Ghost immobilisers are an excellent choice for vehicles that are often left unattended. It is compatible with a variety of vehicles such as motorhomes, and ride-on lawnmowers. It also has a variety of additional features, such as mechanical protection and anti-hijacking features. This technology is a great addition to the security of your vehicle, and also reduce the cost of insurance. Many insurers require this device to be installed on keyless entry vehicles to reduce the rising risk of theft.

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