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Why You Should Leave Double Glazing Window Repair to the Experts

A damaged double glazing window will let in draughts, cause condensation and may also impact the security of your home. Repairs or replacement can be done however, it's best to leave it to the professionals.

Misting is one of the most frequent indications that the seal between your windows is broken. This can be a costly problem which needs to be addressed immediately.

Replacement-Windows-150x150.jpgCracked or chipped panes

Glass that is chipped or cracked isn't just a visual affront, it can allow air to pass through and cause your cooling and heating costs to increase. If the double glazed window repairs pane glass has cracked or is damaged, window manufacturers recommend that you replace it to keep a seal that is effective and keep your home dry and warm.

It's not as expensive or complicated as it might seem to fix a damaged glass. You must act quickly. Cracks in windows tend to get worse over time, resulting in energy leaks. You'll need to finish the job as soon as you can to avoid any further issues.

A small crack could develop into a spider web of cracks which will render your double-pane windows unusable, so it's important to take the necessary steps to repair it before it gets out of control.

A quick and simple method to fix a cracked area is by using masking tape or duct tap. Typically one strip of tape applied to both sides of the crack will suffice for superficial cracks such as stress cracks caused by differences in temperature, however deeper cracks may require you extend the tape past the crack edges on both sides.

You could also try a clear glass adhesive like Loctite or Gorilla Glue or a similar product made specifically for windows. This type of adhesive is similar to nail polish in that it fills in the crack and prevents it from becoming worse. It also seals the space so outside air cannot pass through. This kind of glue differs from nail polish in that it is more durable, doesn't peel or flake off and isn't as fragile.

If you want an immediate solution cut a piece plastic from a shower curtain or tarp that is large enough to cover a hole or crack. Then, tape the plastic covering to your window using duct or masking tape and let it dry. This will block rain, wind, or insects while you wait for your new double pane window to be installed.

Apply a two-part epoxy to the damaged area of your window for a permanent solution. This type of putty will seal the crack and can be painted to blend in with the frame of your window.


Condensation can be located between window panes and can cause a number of problems, including the development of mold. It can also lead to a loss of heat through your windows, which is why it is essential to address it quickly. It happens when warm humid air comes into contact with a cool object and the water vapor in the air condenses onto the cooler surface. Here's more details about condensation. A professional can repair the seal, change your glazing, or even install new windows to fix this problem permanently.

Broken Locks or Handles

It is rare but double glazing window handles can break. This can be a frustrating experience and leave your home vulnerable to burglars who might be able to break the handle easily to unlock the windows. If you know what to check it's fairly simple and inexpensive to replace a broken window handle.

The opening mechanism of a uPVC window is made up of three components: the handle, the gearbox, and the drive gear. The handle operates the gearbox, which operates the drive gear. This allows the window to either open or close. The gearbox will become jammed if the handle breaks. This could be due to a number of reasons, including broken spindles in the handle itself, or it could be caused by wear and tear and is simply worn down.

You'll have to replace the lock if damaged. To accomplish this, you'll be required to locate the fixing screws or pins that secure it, which can often be located on the inside of the handle. After taking the handle off then slide in the new one and secure it using the screw or pins. When you are re-fitting the handle be sure to align it correctly to the frame. You should also remember to put the screw covers over any screws that are exposed, since this will help keep them out of view.

Windows made of uPVC that don't close properly don't just let cold air in, but they may also let valuable heat escape, and could cause water damage and damp. UPVC windows should never be left open as it invites burglars into.

If your uPVC window is not closing properly, you'll need to contact your installer or an expert tradesman in your area for assistance. They will be able to identify the issue for you and provide suggestions on how to proceed with a repair. They offer a variety of double-glazing services and repairs including the installation of new hinges, locks, or handles, if required.

Dropping Panes

Double-paned windows are a great investment for your home. They add value to your home and offer insulation. There are a few issues that could arise from the windows you have installed and you need to know when to take action.

If your windows have cracked or chipped glass, it is time to replace the windows. These damages can let outside air into your home and can make it difficult for your cooling systems to keep up with the temperature of your home. This will make your system more energy-intensive than it needs to, increasing your energy bill.

Fogging between the panes of glass can also indicate that your windows are in need of replacement. The inert gas that is normally sealed between the glass panes is now escaping. If this happens, the seal will need to be replaced, which cannot be done in a single step.

The rubber seals on your windows can start to degrade as time passes. This could be due exposure to sunlight, ageing and harsh cleaning products. Seals are prone to losing their ability as they age to encase.

It is recommended to contact a professional to replace a window that is damaged or cracked. This is not something that you should attempt on your own since handling broken glass is dangerous. They will have the expert tools required to safely remove the broken pane and replace it.

Repairing double-glazed windows by replacing either the inside or outer pane. It can be more expensive depending on the size and type of your window. This is the best option if you are looking to lower your energy bills and increase the efficiency your double-glazed window.

Remember that your double-glazed window frame might also need to be replaced. When the double pane of glass is replaced, it is discovered that the frames are dated and require replacement. A professional glass specialist can help you choose the perfect double glazed window for your home.

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